Roger Nguyen

Roger Nguyen is a UX/UI designer based in Orange County, California who passionately crafts insightful, data-driven experiences to positively impact the world one design at a time. 

Initially, Roger was set on becoming a physician associate after graduating from CSULB with a psychology degree because he believed patient advocacy was not emphasized enough. Despite his passion for helping patients achieve what life has to offer, he felt restricted in his creativity and impact. Thus, he stepped away from the clinic to pursue UX design. Utilizing his understanding of behavioral and cognitive psychology, emphasis on research, and years of patient advocacy and empathization, Roger knows he has the potential to enrich the lives between people and technology. 

Although Roger focuses mainly on user experience design, he has a keen eye for visual design by enhancing accessibility and striving for pixel-perfect screens. Outside the micropixel level, he is skilled at zooming out to examine experiences at a macro systems level. Roger emphasizes connection through continuous communication and cross-collaboration with others to encourage alignment and foster diverse perspectives.

When Roger is not designing, he loves hooping on the basketball court, trying new cooking recipes, camping outdoors, playing video/board games, and spending quality time with his family and homies. While others eat to live, Roger lives to eat so good food will always ensure a smile on his face.

Let’s connect!